Social Studies

This term we will be learning about how the Canadian government, non-governmental groups, and citizens play a role when issues arise within Canada and around the world. Please follow this page to keep up with what we are learning.

November 2016 - Our completed project - 500 cards and bracelets to give hope to the youth of Attawapiskat.

Activity 1: Learn about the history and struggles within the community of Attawapiskat by reading news articles and watching news report.

Week of September 26 – we have been watching more news  reports on Attawapiskat and how government and communities within Canada are helping.

Instead of taking notes, we have been using a website called to collaborate. Students are posting information to our class site to share with everyone. From that site students are filling out a unique foldable that we created. So far, we have filled out the basic information page.

We have finished learning about Attawapiskat and are now moving onto our action plan. As a class, we have decided to write a card for each of the 500+ children under the age of 18. As well, the class has decided to make a simple bracelet with a blue bead to symbolize hope. We hope that the children there will wear these bracelets and remember that someone cares about them and we hope this gives them hope.